Feel free to click inquiry directly"Chat with Supplier"--Claire
for Quick Response &Free Trial.

Q1. Can you offer a free test? How long is the test?
Yes, we can offer Free Test Code, 24Hours, 48Hours,72Hours depends on your needs.
Q2. Which APP is better for work?
We can send you the Original APK. Or you can try IPTV Smarters Pro Tivimate or XCIPTV.
Q3. Do you have a 4k quality server? Which one is the most stable ?
Yes, we have some servers good for 4K Channels, and will send you a few test codes, so you can pick up the best one for your market.
Q4. Do you provide a Reseller Control Pane?
Yes, we can offer a Super Reseller Panel or Sub-Reseller Panel with Credits.
Q5. What is your payment method?
Credit Card, Paypal, TT Bank Transfer, etc
Q6. How long can I get the Iptv Code after I paid?
During the working time: 1 hour
Other Times: 5-8Hours
Q7. What if the iptv don't work well after purchase?
Usually, we can fix the code by changing the URL or Reset Password.
If we can't fix it in these ways, We can replace other servers for you, which will ensure you can enjoy the TV until it expires.
Q8. Can I use my subscription on multiple devices?
One code only works for one device, if you want to use it on a second device, you have to log it out from the first device, kindly note.